Aqualution is the leading manufacturer of private label hypochlorous acid products for global brands across a range of sectors.

From surface disinfection, medical device, fogging, food hygiene, skincare, petcare and cosmetics, private label manufacture with Aqualution Inside ensures the purest most stable hypochlorous acid for your brand.


  • Perfect for many applications and sectors from infection control to cosmetics

  • Fast acting in seconds

  • Kills 99.9999% of bacteria and 99.99% of viruses present

  • pH neutral so as gentle as water whilst 300 times more power than bleach

  • Available in a range of sizes, formats and applications

  • Manufactured by the leading HOCl manufacturer in the world

  • BSEN 13727, BSEN 1500, BSEN 1650, BSEN 14476 certification plus more

For reference please see the Salvesan safety data sheet.